Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Biden and Obama Set For Cage Match

Instead of informing the rabid toothless hillbillies who are so unemployed, they go to his site every 20 seconds to see if there's a new article they can spam with "OBamaZ a Muzlim" comments, Drudge is trying to push stories that Biden and Obama hate each other's guts. Drudge claims in his headline that Obama "scolds" Biden, when in actuality he said he disagrees with one of his ideas (Remember these guys debated each other in the primary debates? Remember?) and another says Biden thinks Obama's ad is "terrible." The Democrats are finished.

Drudge knows that his site is frequented by Republicans who think terrorists living in caves can take over our government, and others who think Mexicans aren't coming here to work, but to take back their land James Polk stole in the hilarious invastion of Mexico back in the 1800s.

According to Drudge's own stupid logical headlines that are supposed to get you to conclude something new and irrational daily, McCain's 200 year-old mom hates her son because she called his Paris Hilton ad "stupid." [Drudge Report 9/23/08 AM]

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