Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Herb of the Day

Jesus Christ. This guy has no limits. At least The Bulletin doesn't pay him shit for his ridiculous columns. Then again, they don't have enough money to do so.

From "The Advocate" column entitled "Add 'Hoover' To List Of Obama Nicknames" (in fact, the lead!):

We've all met Barack "Neville Chamberlain" Obama and Barack "Rev. God Damn America" Obama, so now let me introduce you to a third face: Barack "Herbert Hoover" Obama. Just as Sen. Obama learned nothing from Chamberlain and his talks with Hitler, and so proposes to talk without preconditions to Amadinejad, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez and the rest of the axis of evil, by like token, he's learned nothing from the lessons of Herbert Hoover and the Great Depression.
Denenberg often claims that the media is dead. We agree. He's living proof. [The Bulletin]

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