Monday, September 22, 2008

Pedophilia Isn't Funny Anymore

Conservatives are pissed.  Apparently, the worst show in television for the last 30 years made a joke this weekend about Todd Palin fucking his numerous children.  The Phony Outrage Movement can be forgiven for their fury though, considering that the skit was so prolifically uninspired and uninteresting, it could have been mistaken for a segment on any major cable news network. 

Here it is.  Put on your funny hats.

One redneck quoted by WorldNetDaily had this to say:
"It is time the Palin family brought out the big guns. They need to sue General Electric, NBC, 'Saturday Night Live,'" said Al Barrs of Bascom, Fla. "This is clearly criminal and defamation of character of an entire family and state. All the above needs to be taken to their knees big time once and for all."
On a sidenote, while I was reading this shitty story on that shitty website, this advertisement was blinking on the sidebar.

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