Thursday, February 19, 2009

Jindal: I Don't Want Dirty Money, Neither

Bobby Jinal is up for re-election in 2010. Yet, he says he's not going to accept any stimulus money for his poor-as-shit state that needs new levies and whose most populous city is still suffering from cars in trees, cars in the third story of abandoned buildings, and cars in the Gulf, getting washed ashore.

Bobby Jindal will not run for re-election in 2010. He will leave the race to announce his run for president to color up the Republican ticket. And when the Republicans realize the only chance they have to beat Barack Obama is one of three colored dudes in their entire party (unelected, under investigation Michael Steele and Anh "Joseph" "I'm taking my Vietnamese revenge on Americans for destroying my home country with Agent Orange herbicides and napalm; my child was actually born with three eyes" Cao being the only other two) the rednecks' heads will explode in a rage. Now that will be funny. [CBS NEWS]

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