Friday, September 26, 2008

Apocalypse Palin actually had to turn off the TV last night because he was embarrassed for that bitch Sarah Palin. When you can't watch someone you hate humiliate themselves, you know things are getting bleak.

While several points in her interview got ugly, her previously mentioned riff on Israel might have been the bleakest moment in interview history.  If you thought you'd seen it before, it's because you have in an annoying, yet pertinent internet meme from last year.

Katie Curic appeared openly insulted by Palin's stupidity, and at one point, ready to smack the shit out of her for ruining the interview and wasting her time.  McCain must be rolling over in his grave right now.  Oh wait, McCain's not dead yet.  His black heart can stand at least 40 more days of hardcore campaigning, plus maybe a week of actual presidency.  Hey, who's counting?

Anyhow, if this is how things look in the whiffle-ball batting cage, it should get really good when Joe Biden fights her to death in the barbed-wire death match.  

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