Friday, September 26, 2008

Sarah Palin: A 72 Year-Old Heartbeat Away

First of all, I mean -- and this should be obvious -- we should allow Israel to do whatever SHE so pleases, because -- bear with me here -- SHE is our friend and a major ally, and, well, SECOND HOLOCAUST is coming and when one country says they're the bad guy -- I mean -- when one country wants to kill another country, that country is the bad guy, as opposed to, well, what I meant to say is, okay -- let's say there are three guys; two good, one bad. The good guy that wants to melt the skin off the bad guy -- as the maverick used to do when he mavericked the North Vietnamese after flying off-course maverick-like -- the other good guy is that good guy's maverick friend. And the maverick friend says, yes, melt the skin and party all you want because you, too, can be a maverick.

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