Interesting conspiracies today. And at last count, no references to Barack Obama being the most incompetent Chamberlin Hooverist since Mussolini.
Ghandi + Hitler = BFF!!!1!
Christian Peace Groups + Ahmacrazyguy = OMfG!!1! BFF4L!!!1
Ahmacrazyguy = Ghandi
Christian Peace Groups = Hitler
Wait for it…wait for it…
I told you at the outset this is a strange phenomenon. Five Christian peace
groups are embracing Hitler's heir, Mr. Ahmadinejad, the world's foremost
advocate of genocide, terrorism and death to the West… These five Christian
groups call into question their very nature and you have to wonder if they
should use as their symbol the swastika rather than the cross.
There we go. Remember everyone, Obama is the “peace candidate.” He and Ahmacrazyguy are, like, BEST FRIENDS. HE WANTS TO MEET WITH HIM FOR BRUNCH WITH THEIR PUGS TIED TO THEIR OUTDOOR XCHAIRZZZZ!!11! [The Bulletin]
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