Thursday, February 26, 2009

ABC: Obama's Comin' Fer' Yer' Guns!!!

ABC reports today that Attorney General Eric Holder said Obama will seek a new assault weapons ban, like the one passed in the 90s then expired during the Bush administration.

Remember when the ban expired and Bush goes, "Hey, I'd have signed it if someone put it on my desk, but no one did!"

No you wouldn't have, fuckface.

And by the way look at ABC's rendition of the amount of guns Eric Holder owns:
This would be my commercial:

Eric Holder. 

He wants to take YOUR guns away from you. Meanwhile, Holder has a gigantic gun arsenal that he poses in front of for pictures.

Eric Holder, if you want to take away our guns, shouldn't you get rid of your own?

Eric Holder.

Gun thief. Hypocrite. Black.

Call Eric Holder and tell him what you think of his gun arsenal.

I don't have his phone number off hand. But you get the idea. [ABC]

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