Thursday, February 26, 2009

Drudge: It's Obama's Fault!

If you landed on this planet from outer space and the first thing you did was read the Drudge Report, you'd have to assume the world has already went to shit, Obama is to blame, and the poor in this country swim in gold with Scrooge McDuck.

"Well, well, well, Cletus. Look'a this! Our vary own Muslin pres'dent is sippin' his la-de-da champagne and raisin' our taxes!" And I get it, the "liberal media" did the same thing to Bush. But this dude's headlines are so fucking misleading. What's the deal with that? Very often his headlines have nothing to do with the article. Oh, wow, Mr. Drudge, you found the hidden lede! Good fucking job.

Anyhoo, as Think Progress noted yesterday, Drudge is obsessed with making Obama look bad through his misleading headlines. In fact, TP noted this while Drudge was in the process of blaming Obama's Tuesday night speech for the stock market going down yesterday morning. When it started to go back up around mid-after noon, Drudge changed the headline to "Stocks Rebound". And then, by 4, when it went back to its original opening numbers, it was Obama's fault again.
In the end, Americans should just not read the news. The news is meant to hurt us, scare us, mislead us in the messenger's form. Journalists make no money and are constantly in search of a better job, that's why they've worked all over the country. Just like politicians -- who often give up 7-figure salaries for 6 figure ones in the public sector -- they choose their jobs because they believe they are God-like, mythical creatures sent here by the overlord Jescan to do his bidding. They're all assholes, and they feel that you should be indebted to them. "I could be copywriting for JP Morgan right now!" "I could be chasing ambulances right now!" (The deep inner thoughts of journalists and politicians, respectively.) They gave up a comfortable life in order to make you nervous and control your feelings. The least -- the very least -- you can do is bow down to their every command. [Drudge Report]

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