Every time I think the Democrats have a chance to show people that it's okay to be liberal, and no, offshore drilling and going to church won't solve our economic crisis, they prove me wrong. [Democrats to let offshore drilling ban expire]
Rush Limbaugh said on his program that if Republicans want to win, they should start talking about offshore drilling. Two weeks later, John McCain of 2008 betrayted the John McCain of 1982-2007 and agreed with the Man Hog.
It's a fact that drilling offshore will do nothing to lower oil prices. Oil is sold on a global market. We can't secretly drill for oil and keep it for ourselves unless we expect other countries to do the same. And if that did happen in some alternate reality, our country would go to shit because middle eastern countries clearly had more dinosaurs than we do.
If we do start drilling, oil companies would have to build these huge rigs after obtaining permits. The average estimate for producing our first drop of oil would be a decade from now. If we're lucky. At that, no one knows (besides Herb Denenberg) if there's a significant amount of oil off our shores. If there isn't oil, prices will go up so the gas companies can earn back all the money they lost drilling in the first place.
But it doesn't matter. The people are stupid, and 57 percent support drilling. Great for them. Every time I hear a "Drill Baby, Drill!" chant, I lose a year of my life, and when I see these idiots wearing hats with the slogan, I begin to realize why a large segment of our population wants creationism taught in public science classrooms.
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