Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Guy From Mrs. Doubtfire: "I Wrote Something, Please Read It Because I Won A Tony"

Someone needs to tell the Huffington Post that not a single person on Planet Earth cares about Hollywood actors' views enough to read them. I mean, I don't care if someone wins an award and then says something to the extent of "Bush sucks." Aphorisms have their time and place. But the idea that Jamie Lee Curtis (of "Halloween" fame and nothing else), Alex Baldwin (of brother's "Bio Dome" fame), and the guy from "Van Wilder" (of "Van Wilder" fame) get to write blogs is ridiculous. Give it -- the fuck -- up!

But I digress. Harvey Fierstein (the gay guy with the weird voice in every movie, most famously "Mrs. Doubtfire") writes today: "A Letter To Our President".

I almost threw up. Fierstein writes like one of these typical fucknuggets who thinks he's smart. And I don't give a fuck if he's won "Tony" Awards instead of an "Oscar". People pretend Tony Awards make you smart because it means your working harder for less money. Eat my shit, Tony Award winners.

Here are some vomit-inducing lines from his "column":
Days after your historic election an aide of yours told me that you plan to do away with the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." I applaud the gesture. But don't kid yourself. Redefining that policy will do little to end discrimination against us.

With or without the Pentagon's permission gays and lesbians have been serving in the military since the birth of this nation.

We may have served in silence.

We may have fought in secret.

But a complete ban of gays did not stop us from fighting and dying for our country.

Abolishing "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" won't bring us into the military or end discrimination against us.

Legalizing gay adoption won't end discrimination against our children in the playground.

Even legalizing gay marriage won't bring about the whole cloth change our nation needs.

When you, leader of the free world, accept, tolerate and even invite bigots into your fold changing a policy is not enough.

In any case, we don't need you to fight our small battles for us.

We will eventually win these on our own. Property matters, adoption rights, and even gay marriage will be won in courts of law as they are now being won in courts of public opinion.
He actually writes it like that.

Each sentence gets its own line.

Now, I know what you're thinking.

Harvey Fiernstein:


Or Super-Genius?

Harvey Fiernstein,

Fuck you.


[Huffington Post]

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