Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Idiot Loser In Iraq Jumps on Birth Certificate Bandwagon.

I guess Brokeback Romney doesn't support all the troops. In fact, generally speaking, I will go on the record and say I support all but one.

If a soldier had decided to publicly disrespect President Bush -- which many did -- he would be absolutely manhandled by the conservative media.

However, psycho conspiracy website World Net Daily is calling this Alan Keyes ripoff a hero.
"Until Mr. Obama releases a 'vault copy' of his original birth certificate for public review, I will consider him neither my Commander in Chief nor my President, but rather, a usurper to the Office – an impostor," his statement said.
That's from on-duty U.S. solider Scott Easterling.

Sounds like someone who joined the army at 40 -- yeah, that's what this dude did -- got a little more than he bargained for and is now trying to avoid duty by going the conspiracy route. Hey, Scott, have the black helicopters made it all the way to Iraq? Are the New World Order and their reptilian shapeshifters burrowing up from the sand?

Make no mistake: The birth certificate "controversy", which has been pushed by conspiracy websites is meant to rally the people who weren't psyched enough to vote in 2008, and get them to vote in 2012. Everyone knows that the psychobumblers of the South and midwest didn't like either candidate. "Aw shucks, McCain is a socialismist, too, Cletus!" If World Net Daily and other freaks of the American internet can keep this thing going for the next four years, they believe, we will have a new president.

But keep in mind World Net Daily also believes there's going to be a North American Union and the Rothschilds run the world. So maybe they're just doing it for the sake of doing it.

You've got to wonder, these fringe right-wing lawyers who are pushing their lawsuits on Obama to show his real birth certificate, how do they make money? Who's paying them?

And Scott, here are some websites to read up on:

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